Valentina Piacenza

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I look out of my window
I see the mountains, I dream of the ocean
A picture book
A snake skin
A drawing of a boab tree
I need some time to think about my future
I need to look for myself where I got lost some time ago
I need to be alone to listen to the uncontained loneliness.

Real world and Imaginary world is a book I wrote once back home from a year studying art therapy and searching for my inner self in Australia.
The book talks about my relationship between the two different dimensions I live in: the world of my fantasies, my dreams and nightmares and the real world of everyday life. Made up with a collage of hand-made papers and small prints of boab trees and crocodiles, this book is a compendium of all I found out about myself.
Here are a series of monotypes for an installation entitled Flying crocodiles inspired from this book.